Our vision

To be the leading organization empowering young people by leveraging the platform of tennis to promote academics excellence and groom next generation of leaders for sustainable development..

Our Mission

To provide tennis, academics and life skills training to youth in underserved communities through sports-based education curriculum that drives physical development.
What we focus on

Our Programs


Our Tennis training program is targeted at young people between the ages of 8 – 16 years by providing them with a platform and requisite training to develop their skills, strengthen their physical, mental and social well being for the good of the society.


We are strong advocates for quality education to every child in Africa. Our goal is to leverage the platform of Tennis to support outstanding talents by providing academic scholarships and educational materials such as text books and notebooks to students in our communities.​

Life Skills

Our life skill program is designed to complement the Tennis and Academic Support programs we provide to students, by helping them learn useful skills in navigating through life, find new ways of thinking, problem solving and develop the confidence to succeed.

How we are making a Difference​

Our work through sports, education and lifeskill development contributes to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 1, 4,5 and 8.

Our Impact


Kids Trained & Direct Beneficiaries


Indirect Beneficiaries


Jobs Created


Youths Empowered

Your donation creates lasting change.

100% of your contribution directly funds tennis training and educational support for underserved children​
from our blog.

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Olney, Maryland, 20832


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© 2025 – Tennista Foundation.  All rights reserved.

Tennista Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization EIN: 99-2301282. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. law. Thank you for your support in empowering young people through the platform of Tennis.

Carefully crafted by Ahamisi